3 min

Novant Approved Doula Support; What This Means for You!

Updated: Aug 25, 2021



As of August 23, 2021, you are allowed ONE visitor AND ONE Novant Verified Doula to accompany you to your birth. The Novant Verified Doula is able to switch out with other Novant Verified Doulas in the event of long birthing times. I am a Novant Verified Doula and would be happy to help you understand the policy.

IF you are COVID positive or suspected COVID positive, your Novant Doula will NOT be able to support you in-person. Your visitor will not be allowed to stay overnight. To read more, please visit Novant Health's official website.


As of August 20, 2021, all area Atrium hospitals are allowing ONE visitor and ONE labor coach of your choice. The labor coach must leave no later than TWO hours after the birth of your baby. To read more, please visit Atrium's official website.


As of March 15, 2021, you are now allowed TWO visitors AND a Novant Verified Doula to accompany you to your birth and one of the visitors is allowed to switch out! This is awesome news and I am so excited to answer any questions you may have.

In mid June, Novant executives and local OBGYN/Midwives met and discussed ways in which they could safely get doulas back into the hospital to support mutual clients amidst the COVID-19 pandemic. They needed a way to have doulas bypass visitor restrictions, while still providing a level of care that ALL were comfortable with. What they came up with, while not ideal, is a way to make all parties satisfied! Long story short, they came up with a way to get us back in to support you!

After a rather lengthy list of requirements being met, I am so happy to announce that I am APPROVED to be with you in the birth space, at any Novant area hospital!

What This Actually Means for You

When the COVID-19 pandemic started and all area hospitals restricted visitation, your doula OR birthing partner were allowed in the room to support you, not both. Now that I am approved to attend births at Novant hospitals, I will NO LONGER be considered a visitor.

Simplified, this means that while you are still only allowed one visitor, I won't be included in that count. You can now officially have myself AND your birth partner present! My support for you and your family has not changed. You get 100% of my attention, education, preparation and advocacy, same as before!

The Catch

There is a catch, but one I think isn't all that bad. You, your birth partner, and myself will still be screened at the door. Once we pass, you will be tested for COVID-19. (You can of course decline this test, but I will no longer be able to accompany you, as they will treat you as positive). Now, if you ARE positive, I will not be able to accompany you. Your birth partner WILL be able to attend. You will need to wear masks the entire birth. However, when you are tested and results state you're negative, all is good!

So, while there is a catch, overall, this is a great option for some and I am so excited to be welcomed bedside once again to support you on your journey!

If you're interested in having a labor/birth doula for your upcoming birth, please don't hesitate to reach out. I offer free consultations and would love to talk about how I may be able to support you in your birth space!

Please, let me know if you have any questions. I am fully transparent in sharing this new and different NOVANT policy change and will answer all of your questions honestly and accurately.



The Statesville Doula, LLC
