
Healthy. Happy. Strong. Babies & Families
Staci Campbell, Certified Lactation Counselor® (CLC) through ALPP
The Importance of Lactation Support

Breastfeeding is beautiful. Breastmilk is perfectly made for your perfect baby. When breastfeeding is successful and the breastfeeding dyad is enjoying, the average age of weaning is around two years old!
Breastfeeding, while natural, is not always as simple as plopping baby onto the breast. It can be complicated and unique and having lactation support can make your breastfeeding journey a happy and positive one. Lactation support with a CLC can help to assess your latch technique, measure your baby's weight gain, answer any questions you may have, create a personalized care plan, offer pumping support, assist you in the transition to returning to work, and more.
When To Schedule A Consultation
When you are pregnant. We can meet and go over basic breastfeeding tips and tricks. It is a fantastic way to establish care and feel prepared for that first latch after birth.
Immediately after baby is born. This is a great time to make sure baby is latching correctly. If they aren't latching correctly, it is common to experience nipple and breast discomfort.
If baby is not gaining enough weight. If you notice there are not enough wet or dirty diapers or if the pediatrician is concerned about weight gain, it is important to schedule a consultation.
If and when you want to begin supplementing with formula. For some, this isn't as easy as just starting formula. A consultation is helpful for answering questions and making sure your milk supply does what you'd like it to do.
If you want to begin pumping.
If you are experiencing any pain or discomfort at the breast. Breastfeeding should NOT be painful, EVER.
If your baby is having a hard time at the breast.
If you feel ready to wean. In addition to assessing, I can also talk through various scenarios with you and help you figure out what is best for you AND baby. No judgements.
If you want to dry up your milk after nursing OR as soon as it comes in. Not everyone chooses to breastfeed for numerous reasons. A lactation consultation can help you dry up without causing clogged ducts or mastitis.
And more.
Lactation Services

Prenatal Consultations
Prior to your baby's birth, we will meet to discuss breastfeeding, answer any questions you may have, prepare you for what to expect in the first hours after birth and the first days home, practice different feeding positions, and so much more. This is not required, but highly recommended.

Lactation Consultations
Newborn & Beyond
Virtual Consultations
After baby is born, we will assess latch, conduct weighted feedings, make sure baby is growing well, discuss concerns, create a personalized care plan, and more. We can meet once or multiple times throughout your breastfeeding journey.
If you want to begin to pump, if you're worried about supply, when you decide to go back to work, if baby is fussy at the breast, and more, please reach out to schedule a consultation.
Virtual consultations are great for answering breastfeeding questions, assessing latch, observing a breastfeeding session, and more.
Due to COVID-19, if you are more comfortable with a virtual consultation session, let's get it scheduled!
Prenatal Consultations:
In-Office (Mooresville):
In-Home (Lake Norman Area):
Lactation Consultations:
In-Office (Cornelius):
In-Home (40 Miles from Cornelius*):
*Travel Fee will be applied to visits beyond 40 miles.
Lactation consultations are 1 - 2 hours long. Any visit longer than 2 hours will incur a $50 add-on charge. Superbills will be provided upon request.
Virtual Consultations:
Zoom: $65
* Doula Client's get ONE free lactation consultation during their postpartum visit.
* Those who ARE NOT doula clients BUT have booked a prenatal consultation will get a $15 discount on lactation consultation support.