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What to Pack: Hospital and Birthing Center Checklist from a Birth Doula's Perspective

It's almost time for baby but you have one thing left to do. what on earth are you supposed to pack for the birth? This doula's got you!

Here is the "What to Pack: Hospital and Birthing Center Checklist:"

Diaper bag, wipes, diapers and shoes.

You're almost ready to meet your baby. Your due date is just around the corner. The crib is set up, clothes washed and put away, just awaiting the imminent arrival of their new owner. You have the breast pump set up, bottles washed, diapers put away, and the sweet teddy bear is just resting in the crib. You're ready. Now is the time to prepare your bag for the hospital.

What's necessary to bring and what's simply good to have? Those birth affirmations may come in handy and I will forever recommend bringing extra pillows and blankets for your partner.

Birth Affirmation

What should you pack? Keep scrolling to view the hospital and birthing center checklist I give to all my clients! What could you not have lived without during your labor and birth?

What did you bring that you ended up not needing? Let's hear!

Without further ado, here is the checklist I give all my birth clients in preparation for their big day!


The Birthing Person

  • Birthing gown

  • Nursing bra/Nursing tank

  • Hair ties

  • Toiletries bag (Toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, body wash, etc)

  • Socks

  • If having a water birth, an extra bra/bathing suit

  • Change of clothes

  • Healthy snacks

  • Music playlist

  • Birth Affirmations

  • Fairy Lights/Battery Operated Tealights

  • Essential Oils (Lavender, Peppermint, Clary Sage, etc.)

  • A fan

  • Phone

  • Phone charger

  • Camera

The Birth Partner

  • Toiletries (Toothbrush, toothpaste)

  • Phone

  • Phone charger

  • Change of clothes

  • Loose change/cash (vending machines)

  • Swimsuit for water birth

  • Snacks

  • Camera

  • Ibuprofen, Advil, Tylenol, etc.

  • Book, magazine, newspaper, etc

  • Extra pillow

  • Extra blanket

  • Headphones

The Baby

  • Diaper bag

  • Diapers

  • Wipes

  • Going home outfit

  • Car seat

  • Receiving blankets

And that's it! The hospital will have everything else you could need and it is so much nicer when you don't have to load and unload a ton of bags, both going to the hospital and returning home from the hospital.

A new mom holding her newborn while smiling

Like I said before, hopefully this list helps you to remember everything you may want to bring with you for the birth of your baby!

I wish you the best of luck and as a doula, I'll leave you with this...You've got this birthing thing down!



I'd love to hear from you! Follow me at @statesvilledoulaandlactation on FB and @statesvilledoulaandlactation on IG, and at @GreaterNCDoula on Twitter.

Is there anything I'm leaving out? Comment below!

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All cities in North Carolina within a 65-mile radius of Cornelius. If you live out of the service area, contact us for pricing. We want everyone to have access to our quality services.
Locations We Serve:
Homebirth | Natural Beginnings Birth and Wellness Center | Iredell Memorial |  Lake Norman Regional Medical Center | All Novant Hospitals |  Frye Regional Medical Center | Wake Forest Baptist |  All Atrium Hospitals | Catawba Valley Medical Center | CaroMont and more...

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