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Fit 4 Mom Lake Norman

Fit 4 Mom Lake Norman

Seriously, have you heard of Fit4Mom? If you haven't, read on. It's worth it, I promise. If you have heard of Fit 4 Mom Lake Norman, still read. I hope you decide to join after reading this!

Everyone always tells you that exercise is vital. It has so many benefits such as increasing your mood, helping you lose weight, giving you energy, and gives you an overall better quality of life. But when do you have time? If you're a mom or parent who has kids, one or more, you know that it is rare that you get time to yourself, for yourself. After all, we are chasing kids, acting referee, cooking multiple meals cause one kid loves chicken but the other doesn't, one loves vegetables but another would rather eat dirt, changing diapers, kissing boo boos, working a full time job, and so on. How on earth can we possibly work out? I'll tell you!

Fit4Mom! It is seriously the answer. I'm not kidding. Here is a promotional video explaining, in detail, why and how Fit4Mom is beneficial. Just watch, you'll be hooked:

If you watched the video, you will see that in addition to exercise, you get to bring your kiddos AND socialize with other moms, who like you, play referee, cook, doctor, and more! Amazing. It is like a 3 in 1 and I'm always super excited about that!

And guess what? We have our very own Fit4Mom instructor in town! That's right. Her name is Stacey Rosenthal and she teaches in Huntersville and Cornelius, with a location opening up in Davidson soon! What?!

fit 4 mom lake norman

I had the opportunity to interview Stacey to get to know more about the face of Fit4Mom Lake Norman:

Please tell us a little about yourself, your hobbies, interests, etc.

I am a mom of three little kids so my time for hobbies is limited but I enjoy hiking, and watching the Panthers play football.

Please describe your business to us.

I own Fit4Mom Lake Norman where we are dedicated to strength in motherhood. Our most popular class, is our Stroller Strides class where moms can work out with their little ones in the stroller. It is a great opportunity for the moms to show their kids the importance of staying healthy and it is also an opportunity for moms to spend time with other moms. It is a great support system.

Where are you located?

We currently hold classes in Huntersville and Cornelius. We will soon start having classes in Davidson as well.

What is a philosophy you run your business by?

We are dedicated to strength in motherhood. We are all moms and it is a judgement free zone. We believe in being inclusive and supportinge each other!

How could children/parents/families benefit from your business?

A support system of other moms is an amazing thing! We have to build each other up because it is not easy being a mom. It is also beneficial for the kids not only seeing their moms leading a healthy lifestyle but I always say Stroller Strides kids learn to count early because they are always listening.

Is there anything else you would like to add?

We have a special group of mommas, they are so kind and so welcoming. We are lucky to have such a great group!

So, how great does that sound? An inclusive group of moms supporting you, motivating you, and encouraging you, all the while exercising, kids included!

Fit 4 Mom stroller strides

Here is how you can reach Stacey and Fit4Mom Lake Norman:

You can find them at

on Instagram at @Fit4Mom_LakeNorman

and their email is

I do hope you check them out! Let me know what you think <3

Peace, Love, and Babies,

Staci Michele, The Statesville Doula

I look forward to hearing from you!!

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