Picture: Lotus birth of my son in 2016, born at 37 weeks 1 day.
Have you considered sharing your birth story?
Cultivating an empathetic environment for the sharing of our birth stories is a first step towards returning, to birthers, the wisdom and control of giving birth. Your story can be empowering and powerful, healing and motivational. Let's work together to normalize birth, birthing experiences, and let's create a space for community and healing.
Whether you birthed at home or in the OR, whether you had planned for one outcome but had another, or if your birth went exactly as planned, your story matters.
If you want a safe space to share your story, get it written down, keep it anonymous, or shout it from the rooftop, I would love to hear it! In the meantime, check out the two videos, below!
Your story has the opportunity to help expectant parents, new parents, those struggling with birth trauma, those who struggle with depression, and more. It may even help you process yours! It is so important to know you are not alone.
So, if you are interested in sharing your birth story, please follow the link and fill out the form. We can keep you anonymous if you would like. This is a safe space, void of any judgement. Your story will be featured on our blog in hopes of helping you and fellow birthers reclaim birth.
You can also message me or send an email containing a link to your birth story.
Thank you so much for sharing your experience with us!!
Peace, Love, and Babies,
Check out these incredible birth videos from Amy Wimberly-Kincaid! You can follow her, here!
This was the unassisted home birth of her 10lbs baby, Jonah, in 2015 <3
This was the hospital birth of her sweet Levi in 2017 <3
Be on the lookout for her birth stories, coming soon! In the meantime, go follow her!